• Welcome to the Manchester Essex Regional School District 


    The Manchester Essex Regional School District is a high-achieving community committed to educating all students, inspiring passion, instilling a love of learning, and developing local and global citizenship. Its success is a community effort. On behalf of the Faculty and Staff of MERSD, I welcome you to our Learning Community. Please contact your School Offices or the Central Office if you have questions about your transition. 

     ~ Pam Beaudoin, Superintendent 


    When should I register my child/children? 

    As soon as possible. It will take approximately two weeks to process your application after all residency documents are approved by the Superintendent. 


    How do I register my child/children for school? 


    Step 1.

    To register your child/children for school, please complete the Required Residency Documents listed below. Submit the completed forms via email to Amy LeJeune, lejeunea@mersd.org, or bring the forms to the District Office:

    MERSD District Office (located behind Hyland Field)

    36 Lincoln St. 

    Manchester, MA 01944 

    Phone: (978) 526-4919 

    School Yearly Hours: 8:00-4:00PM

    Summer and Holiday Hours: 8:00-3:00PM


    Required Residency Documents:


    1. Residency Policy - Please read prior to filling out residency documents

    2. Verification Worksheet - Please read each category- *Required Identification, Categories A, B, C, and D (if applicable)

    3. Enrollment Application (2) pages - sign and date

    4. Residency Cover Sheet (1) page - sign and date

    5. A copy of MA Driver's License with current address

    Step 2. After you receive a residency confirmation letter via email from the Superintendent, contact your child’s/children’s school to complete enrollment.


    MERSD School Admins: 

    Manchester Essex Regional High School 

    Laurie Carlson, MERHS Guidance Admin/Enrollment 


    cc: Mary Lumsden (Lumsdenm@mersd.org)


    Manchester Essex Regional Middle School 

    Carolyn Houde, MERMS Admin 

    Manchester Memorial Elementary School 

    Maria Schmidt, MMES Admin 

    Essex Elementary School 

    Maggie Safrine, EES Admin 


    If you have any questions about residency and enrollment, please email Amy LeJeune, MERSD Central Office.