Non-discrimination Title IX/504 Compliance
Dear MERSD Community Members,
It is the policy of Manchester Essex Regional Schools not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation and/or disability in the admission to, access to, treatment in, or employment in its programs and activities. Additionally, all persons associated with Manchester Essex Regional Schools, including, but not necessarily limited to, the School Committee, the administration, the staff and the students, are expected to conduct themselves at all times so as to provide an atmosphere free from sexual harassment. Any person who engages in sexual harassment while acting as a member of the school community will be in violation of this policy.
Any member of the school community who believes that he or she has been subjected to discrimination, harassment, or sexual harassment will report the incident(s) to the designated grievance officer and/or the building principal. Heather Leonard, Director of Curriculum and Instructional Technology, has been appointed as the Coordinator for Non-Discrimination Compliance and is designated to handle inquiries and/or complaints regarding the non-discrimination policy (Title I, II, VI, IX) and/or complaints regarding sexual harassment.
Section 504 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is a civil rights law that protects individuals with disabilities from discrimination. Dr. Allison Collins, Director of Student Services, has been appointed as the district 504 Compliance Coordinator. Dr. Collins & Ms. Leonard can be reached at the Manchester Essex Regional Schools District Office, 36 Lincoln Street, Manchester, MA 01944, or (978) 526-4919. The following people have been appointed as 504 Compliance Coordinators at their respective buildings and can answer all inquiries and/or complaints with regards to the Section 504 statute.
- Essex Elementary School: Kim Provost, Principal, (978) 768-7324 ext. 4601
- Memorial Elementary School: John Willis, Principal, (978) 526-1908
- Manchester Essex Regional Middle School: Joanne Maino, Principal, (978) 526-2022
- Manchester Essex Regional High School: Julie Sgroi, Principal, (978) 526-4412
You may direct additional inquiries about non-discrimination and 504 compliance to the Superintendent's Office, Manchester Essex Regional Schools District Office, 36 Lincoln Street, Manchester, MA 01944, 978-526-4919.