• Arrival and Dismissal Procedures


    The procedures below outline our arrival and dismissal practices.  The practices aim to meet the following objectives:

    -to maximize student safety during arrival and dismissal

    -to provide ample staff supervision for all students on school property during arrival and dismissal

    -to maximize efficiency and structure of arrival and dismissal procedures

    Please remember that these procedures are in place to keep our students safe!  Thank you for doing your part to achieve the objectives above by adhering to our established routines/procedures.


    • Families can communicate absences, late arrivals, and early dismissals via their Pickup Patrol account.
    • Changes in dismissal can also be communicated to school staff via Pickup Patrol.
    • All dismissal changes must be entered into Pickup Patrol by 2:00PM.

    Pets:  We respectfully ask that pets (including adorable dogs) are not brought onto school property.  Many children are allergic to or have fears of animals. Additionally, animals on school property during arrival/dismissal can present a safety hazard. 

    Walkers and Bikers:  Walking and biking to and from school are options for children in grades 3-5 (or K-2 students with an older, responsible sibling) who live close enough to the school to do it safely.  Bikes/scooters/etc. must be walked while on school property and children must wear a helmet.  Bikes must be secured to the bike rack with a bike lock.

    • Parents/guardians wishing to dismiss their child as a walker/biker must give written consent for their child to walk/bike to/from school by indicating such on their child’s emergency card.  By having their child dismissed as a walker, parents assume responsibility for their child once they leave school property.  School staff supervision is not available once children leave school property.

    Arrival Procedures: 

    Students in grades K-5 may arrive at school no earlier than 8:05 AM.  Students will report to the playground or the lobby area (inclement weather) for supervision at 8:05 AM until the first bell rings.  Under no circumstances should any child arrive to school before 8:05 AM as this presents a major safety concern and there is no supervision on the playground before 8:05 AM.

    Car Drop-off:  All students being transported to school in an automobile will be received curbside in the main traffic loop of the school.

    • PK students ONLY will be dropped off in the PK/Bus Loop. 
    • Grade K-5 students will be dropped off in the main loop in the designated loading/unloading zone.
    • All drivers must remain in the line of traffic and wait until their child(ren) can safely exit the automobile directly onto the sidewalk. 
    • All children must exit the vehicle on the passenger side and proceed directly onto the sidewalk.  Please plan ahead with the placement of car seats, etc. so that your child can exit the vehicle safely and quickly.
    • All vehicles should adhere to safe driving practices and should not idle while waiting to drop off children.  Please no cell phone use while driving on school property.
    • All students will report directly to the assigned play areas (main playground or gym/café in inclement weather).
    • Drivers must remain in their vehicle at all times.  Drivers should pull as far forward as they can before releasing their child(ren).

    Bus Drop-off:

    • Buses and PK parents ONLY will use the Pre-K/Bus Loop
    • All children K-5 will exit the bus and report directly to the main playground or to the gym/cafe (inclement weather).

    Brook Street Parking Lot:  It is not recommended that parents use the Brook Street Parking Lot for student drop-off.  Please see car drop-off instructions above. However, should you use this parking lot, parents must walk their children to the back door to be received by school staff.  As Brook Street and the field are not school property, supervision is not available until children are on school property (rear back ramp area).

    Dismissal Procedures

    Dismissal for students in grades K-5 is at 2:55 PM.   Dismissal procedures will begin at 2:45 PM when the school will prepare for dismissal.  Please arrive prior to 2:45 pm if you are picking up students who are walking. 

    Car Pick-up: 

    • All students being transported in an automobile will be dismissed curbside in the main traffic loop of the school.  This includes all children in grades K-5.  All drivers must remain in the line of traffic and wait until their child(ren) are in a designated loading zone.
    • All vehicles must display their family name tag on the passenger side window or windshield/sun visor.
    • Staff members will assist your child to your car once it is in a designated loading zone.
    • All children must enter the vehicle on the passenger side directly from the sidewalk in a designated loading zone.  Please plan ahead with the placement of car seats, etc. so that your child can enter the vehicle safely and quickly.
    • All vehicles should adhere to safe driving practices and should not idle while waiting to pick up children.  Please no cellphone use while driving on school property.
    • Drivers must remain in their vehicle at all times.

    Bus Pick-up: 

    • Buses ONLY will use the Pre-K/Bus Loop during pick-up.
    • All children K-5 will report to the Gymnasium hallway to prepare to load the buses.


    • Brook Street Parking Lot:  It is not recommended that parents use the Brook Street Parking Lot for student pick up.  Please see car pick-up instructions above. However, should you use this parking lot, parents must meet their children near the back door of the school and walk with them to their vehicle.  As Brook Street and the field are not school property, supervision is not available once children leave school property.
    • Caregivers should meet their K-2 child near the back door if they choose to dismiss their K-2 child as a walker. 
    • By dismissing a child as a walker, the parent assumes responsibility for the child once they leave school property.  Supervision is not available off of school property.