Manchester-Essex Green Team
The Green Scholars course at Manchester Essex High School is a unique program combining a
range of dynamic educational practices, including project management, experiential education, service learning,
and inquiry-based learning. This hands-on environmental sustainability course is designed to integrate STEAM
content (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math), 21st-century skills, environmental literacy, and
service-learning into a single program. Students take this elective course during an open block in their school
day schedule and work with a teacher/other advisor to accomplish the defined goals of their specific project.
Green Scholars differs significantly from any other class offered at the school in the fact that students complete
their environmental project independently without any set, daily curriculum. The structure of the class is more
similar to an internship; students must do the work they need to do during class time to stay on track with their
project. Through this structure, students directly learn the amount of responsibility, time-management,
communication and other important skills it takes to be successful in the modern world. Students receive
constructive feedback from both peers and adults to ensure they are as productive as possible. Students are
assessed using detailed writing, presentation, environmental literacy, STEAM and 21st-century skills rubrics.